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How Often Should You Clean Your Retainers With an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Bacterial buildup is bad for oral health as it not only produces a bad odor but also increases the risk of potential infections. Keeping the retainers clean is important for maintaining oral health and preventing damage to the retainers. Let's explore a step-by-step #retainer #cleaning guide with the recommended frequency of an #ultrasonic #cleaner. We also have tips and tricks for maintaining your retainers!

Read here: https://sonicsoak.com/blogs/ar....ticles/how-often-sho

How Often Should You Clean Your Retainers With an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

How Often Should You Clean Your Retainers With an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Find out the numerous benefits of an ultrasonic cleaner for retainers and look into the recommended cleaning frequency for keeping your retainers in the best condition!